how to draw a bamboo tree step by step

Improve Your Drawing Skills with Printable Practice Sheets!

Learn how to draw a great looking Bamboo with easy, step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial. You can now easily create a beautiful Bamboo drawing.

How to Draw Bamboo Step 10

Complete Bamboo drawing

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Bamboo is described as a 'tall, treelike grass." There are about 1,400 species of bamboo.

This plant lives in tropical and subtropical regions around the world, especially in Asia.

Bamboo is famously the preferred food of the panda. Remember when Mushu rode a hungry panda in Disney's Mulan?

Certain types of bamboo are eaten by people, too. Certain Chinese dishes, for example, include young bamboo shoots cooked like a vegetable.

Bamboo is also used in landscaping. It is an extremely versatile renewable resource; it can be used like wood to make flooring, bowls, furniture, and more, and its fibers can be refined to make a soft cloth.

Some people keep "lucky bamboo" as a houseplant. Bamboo is also a common artistic pattern in clothing and décor.

Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.

Did you know? Some species of bamboo can grow as much as 30 centimeters or one foot per day!

Thinking of growing your own bamboo garden? Why not draw one instead? You can employ the step-by-step instructions of this easy cartoon drawing tutorial.

What will you need? Only a pencil, a good eraser, and a sheet of paper. Likely, you'll also want to color your drawing - you'll need brown or green crayons, colored pencils, or markers.

If you liked this tutorial, see also the following drawing guides: Cartoon Panda, Chinese Dragon, and Red Panda.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Bamboo

How to Draw Bamboo Featured Image

How to Draw a Great Looking Bamboo for Kids, Beginners, and Adults - Step 1

How to Draw Bamboo Step 01

1. Begin by drawing the first bamboo cane. Use a pair of curved lines to draw each segment of the plant. Notice how the lines converge in the center and diverge at the joints. Draw short curved lines across each joint.

Easy Bamboo Drawing - Step 2

How to Draw Bamboo Step 02

2. Draw another segment on top of the first bamboo plant using two curved lines. Draw a short curved line across the top. Then, draw the next bamboo cane. Again, use a pair of curved lines to draw each segment, and draw curved lines across the joints.

Easy Bamboo Drawing - Step 3

How to Draw Bamboo Step 03

3. Draw two more segments on top of the second bamboo plant, using two curved lines for each. Draw short curved lines across the joints between the segments. Then, begin drawing a third bamboo plant. Use two curved lines to draw each segment, and draw short curved lines between them.

Easy Bamboo Drawing - Step 4

How to Draw Bamboo Step 04

4. Extend the third plant by three segments. For each segment, draw two curved lines, with short curved lines between segments. Then, draw the bamboo leaves. For each leaf, extend a pair of curved lines from the plant, and allow them to meet at a point.

Easy Bamboo Drawing - Step 5

How to Draw Bamboo Step 05

5. Draw more bamboo leaves, erasing as necessary. For each leaf, extend a pair of curved lines, and allow them to meet at a point.

Easy Bamboo Drawing - Step 6

How to Draw Bamboo Step 06

6. Draw more leaves on the bamboo plants. For each leaf, extend a pair of curved lines, and allow them to meet at a point.

Easy Bamboo Drawing - Step 7

How to Draw Bamboo Step 07

7. Draw another bamboo cane. Outline the plant using a pair of parallel curved lines. Band it with horizontal curved lines to create the segments.

Add More Details to Your Bamboo Picture - Step 8

How to Draw Bamboo Step 08

8. Draw more leaves at the tops of the bamboo canes. For each leaf, extend a pair of curved lines, and allow them to meet at a point. Notice that some leaves originate from a central point, forming a starburst pattern.

Complete the Outline of Your Bamboo Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw Bamboo Step 09

9. Draw a final bamboo cane in the background. Outline the sides of the plant using a pair of curved lines. Band the cane with curved lines, and draw pointed leaves at its top and along its sides.

Color Your Bamboo Drawing

How to Draw Bamboo Step 10

Color your cartoon bamboo plants. They are often light green or tan in color.

Easy, step by step Bamboo drawing tutorial

How to Draw Bamboo Pinterest Image

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Bamboo Drawing Tutorial - Easy & Fun Printable Pages


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