Boysenberry Ruffles Lavender Petunia Easy Wave Mix

Petunia Flower Seeds

Petunias are among the most popular flowering annuals for good reason.
Petunias are bright and lively, bloom from spring until frost, and scent the air with lovely fragrance.
Best of all, petunias are amazingly easy to grow, both in the garden and in containers.
There are literally hundreds of named petunia varieties. They fall into distinct categories, based on flower size and growth habit.
Some petunias are more suited to container growing, while others are better for massing in the garden. Whether you like the old-fashioned types or the fancier, new varieties, there truly is something for everyone when it comes to petunias.
The most important requirement for growing petunias successfully is a location with plenty of light. Many varieties will thrive even if the soil is not rich and have undemanding requirements for watering.

How to choose petunias:
Grandiflora petunias, the most popular type, produce large flowers that are three to four or more inches across. They may be singles or ruffled doubles. Some have a pendulous, cascading habit that makes them more suitable for hanging baskets and window boxes, but most are upright plants that develop over the summer into large mounds of flowers which are 12 to 15 inches tall.

Multiflora petunias are often more compact. Their flowers are smaller than the grandifloras, but they make up for it with the sheer number of blossoms that are open at any given time. Like grandiflora varieties, they're available in single or double forms, though the vast majority are singles. Typically, they're massed together to create big splashes of color in the garden.

Milliflora petunias are compact, miniature plants that produce abundant quantities of perfect, small flowers only an inch to an inch and a half in diameter. They make good edging plants and are also attractive when mixed with other flowering annuals in containers, where they may be viewed close-up.

Groundcover or "spreading" petunias are only about six inches tall, but spread so rapidly that they cover a huge area over one growing season, provided they're watered and fertilized frequently. This makes them ideal for scrambling down a hillside garden, or planting atop a retaining wall. They're also amazing in hanging baskets and window boxes, where they trail two to three feet or more over the summer. When grown in full sunlight, they are so covered by flowers that you hardly see any foliage. "Wave" petunias are a common type of spreading petunia.

Petunia seeds require light for germination. For maximum germination, we highly recommend using our VG07 Seedcover for tiny and pelleted seeds.

Petunia Flower Seeds in Fuseable MSP ( Multi Seed Pellet )Series Form

Each pellet has multiple seed varieties for ready-made combo plant, perfect for midsize pots.

TCB085 Lime Coral MSP

Absolutely wonderful blend of Dreams Coral Morn and Sophistica Lime bicolor in one pellet. We recommend using about 3 msp per 10" basket

TCB084 Blueberry Lime MSP

Each pellet has Sophistica Lime Green and Dreams. We recommend using about 3 msp per 10" basket.
Sophistica Lime Green petunias produce yellow blooms with underlying lime hue. Considered a designer collection of grandiflora petunias, the Petunia Sophistica varieties are slightly out of the ordinary. Large blooms in special one-of-a-kind colors fill out lush upright plants. The varieties match each other well for flowering, so growers can schedule them together. But what sells the Sophistica's are their unique colors or patterns. Try them as specimen plants in gardens, or better yet, in baskets or containers.
Dreams Series petunia seeds are an essential and timeless grow in your garden, home, or patio for early spring brilliance. Dreams Series petunias are easy to grow from seed and promise durable 10 – 15" tall semi-dwarfed mounds native to the warm tropics of South America. Dreams Series petunia seeds will bloom year-round in warm winter climates and are an ideal grow to accent decorative planters, window boxes, or hanging baskets. Dreams Series petunias are classic and internationally celebrated as an herbaceous perennial across a variety of hot and humid North American gardens.

Petunia Flower Seeds in standard Pelleted Form

We are proud to offer the following petunia varieties in the convenient, easy to see and space in the soil, pelleted form. The bright coating on each seed builds the seed size up, ensuring easier handling.
Petunias are one of the flower lovers favorite plants, the are almost carefree, flower for long periods and come in a dazzling array of colors. But in the past, the most popular varieties have only been available in plant form, as the tiny seeds were difficult to handle, and very expensive.
But no longer! We now stock the many varieties below, and in pelleted form. The pelleted coating allows you to easily handle and place the seeds and ensures a high germination rate.
We protect our pelleted seeds during shipping by packaging them in polystyrene vials, which can be saved and re-used for saving other seed types. The pelletizing and special packaging does raise the cost of the seeds, but still allows you to raise your own wonderful varieties for a fraction of buying plants, plus many of the varieties we offer are almost impossible to find in gardening stores.

AW77 Evening Scentsation

2017 AAS Flower Winner. Evening Scentsation is the first petunia to receive an AAS award for its lovely fragrance and stunning color.
This is "One of the best blue petunias I have seen, nice mounding and spreading habit. Excellent fragrance too!" wrote one judge. Evening Scentsation's fragrance has notes of hyacinth, sweet honey and rose. As the name implies, the scent is stronger in the evening hours, though it can be experienced throughout the day as well. Scent is perceived differently by each individual. Evening Scentsation is a medium-sized multiflora type, reaching a height of 5-8 inches, and a width of 30-35 inches and will work well in containers, hanging baskets and in mass.

LET494 Radiance Grape

The first mounding hybrid petunia to be bred and produced under hot and humid tropical conditions. Eye-catching, large 2 to 2 1/2" blooms are full of radiant color and flower abundantly, creating a stunning display. Excellent for packs, hanging baskets, beds, borders and landscapes. Plants trail 30 to 36". Ht: 6-8". Pelleted seeds.

TCB070 Easy Wave White

Crisp, white blooms provide top-of-the-line flower power on a more mounded habit. An excellent choice for containers and small-space gardens. Easy to grow and early to bloom. Height: 6-12" Spread: 30-40".
Pelleted seeds for easy germination. Fast-growing plants bloom freely all season in landscapes and containers without cutting back, and tolerate both heat and cooler conditions very well. Flower-filled plants grow a little more mounded than original Wave, with a more controlled spread.

Let484 Pirouette Red ( Pelleted )

What a beautiful color! This double-flowered grandiflora is among the showiest of all bedding petunias, with large blooms in bright colors, plenty of ruffles, and unbeatable staying power.
These flowers reach 3 to 4 inches across and nearly as high, with layer upon layer of flouncy, twisty rose-red petals edged in bright white. Keep them watered and well fed, and they will continue to delight you over a very long summer season. Both a bedding and a container petunia, perfect for the front of the sunny annual border, the edge of sun-soaked paths and driveways, or your finest flowerpots and garden tubs. It reaches 10 to 15 inches high and about 10 to 12 inches wide.

TCB100 Opera Supreme Pink Morn Pelleted

2007 AAS Bedding Plant Winner. Iridescent pink blooms are the unique feature of this vigorous trailing petunia. A silvery shine causes blooms to shimmer, capturing an admirer's attention from a distance. The 2.5-inch flowers are pink, shading to creamy white in the center, with a yellow throat. These three colors on a bloom are named a 'morn' type. Opera Supreme Pink Morn plants have many qualities that every gardener wants to find. Plants are continuously flowering. Gardeners can relax and let the plants do what comes naturally – flower.
The hybrid plants are capable of growing three feet in sunny locations. This spreading quality covers garden soil and can choke weeds beautifully. Plants attain a height of only 4 to 6 inches. Opera Supreme Pink Morn can be relied on for exceptional garden performance without pruning or deadheading. Less work enables gardeners more leisure time in the garden.

TCB068 Trilogy Blue

Deep blue color. Perfectly controlled mound and spreads, stays compact in packs, almost day neutral, perfect for baskets or bedding, grows about 12 inches tall.

LET245 LimboGP Blue Vein

Low Grow Approved. Limbo GP presents the next generation of the popular Limbo series. This genetically dwarf grandiflora series really pays for itself in production without sacrificing appearance and performance. Large, grandiflora-sized light blue flowers with darker veins cover a dwarf plant habit, and when other petunias stretch, the Limbos will not. "GP" in this series stands for garden performance, thus the plants remain compact in packs and pots, but with a slightly more vigorous spread in the garden and landscape. Limbo GP Blue Vein petunias are genetically dwarf nature translates to no growth regulators in production, and the plant habit still remains lower to the ground in garden beds, presenting a neat and tidy appearance.

LET246 LimboGP Deep Purple

Limbo is the only natural dwarf non-stretching grandiflora Petunia on the market. This unique petunia series has proven to be of great value to growers, retailers and consumers. Plant growth regulators are not necessary. This made growers understand how, using Limbo petunia would enable them to take a step forward in environmentally conscious growing. Its compact and non-stretching plant habit shows a superb shelf life during the shipping and sales period. In the garden Limbo will not get leggy. On the contrary, it will develop into a nicely mound shaped and well-branched plant, covered in huge flowers. Another advantage of Limbo is that it quickly recovers from rain damage and flowers continuously throughout the season.

TPF274 Wave Purple Classic

1995 AAS Flower Winner. The first petunia to grow two to four feet in one season. This trailing habit is perfect for many garden locations. The plant will cascade and flower when grown in hanging baskets, window boxes, or deck planters. It can be very effective in a mass planting particularly on a slope where the trailing habit can be fully developed. Adaptable to a small space garden when trained to climb a trellis. It grows no more than 4 to 6 inches tall and spreads 2 to 4 feet along the ground.

TWT102 Shock Wave Purple Petunia

Now firmly established in the marketplace, the Shock Wave petunia series has found its niche as the only small-flowered spreading series from seed. They are one of the earliest to flower in the spreading petunia class, and they yield a proliferation of 1-1/2 to 2" blooms that blanket the mounded plants, making them superb for hanging baskets and containers. Growers love the ease of managing a less complicated plant habit and tighter flowering window compared to standard spreading petunias.
Baby Spreading Petunias, tons of 1½" flowers, mounds, spreads, rebounds from bad weather fast. early, lush for basket or landscape, Pelleted seeds for easy starting. Grows 12" tall, blooms in 14 weeks from seed.

TCB089 Expresso Frappe Rose ( Pelleted )

Delightful fully ruffled blooms, compact plant, for bedding or basket, deep rose with pink frills. Plants grow about 8 inches tall.

TCB082 Expresso Frappe Ruby ( Pelleted )

Delightful fully ruffled blooms, compact plant, for bedding or basket, ruby with purple frills. Plants grow about 8 inches tall.

TCB076 Double Glorius Mix

Bright mix of solids and bicolors, including red, white, salmon, rose pink, burgundy and purple. For bedding plants or containers. Pelleted seed. Grows about 12 inches tall.

TCB069 Easy Wave Lavender Sky Blue

Pastel Sky Blue/Lavender blooms provide top-of-the-line flower power on a more mounded habit. An excellent choice for containers and small-space gardens. Easy to grow and early to bloom. Height: 6-12" Spread: 30-40".
Pelleted seeds for easy germination. Fast-growing plants bloom freely all season in landscapes and containers without cutting back, and tolerate both heat and cooler conditions very well. Flower-filled plants grow a little more mounded than original Wave, with a more controlled spread.

LET311 Easy Wave Pink Passion

Easy Wave Pink Passion is a mound forming, spreading annual or perennial boasting masses of bright hot pink flowers from late spring to the first frosts. Fast-growing and blooming freely all season, this Petunia is dense and full, making it perfect to quickly cover a large area in the garden, or to gracefully cascade from baskets and containers. Heat tolerant, it attracts hummingbirds and is terrific for creating a dazzling display through the summer. Height: 6-12" Spread: 30-40".
Pelleted seeds for easy germination. Fast-growing plants bloom freely all season in landscapes and containers without cutting back, and tolerate both heat and cooler conditions very well. Flower-filled plants grow a little more mounded than original Wave, with a more controlled spread.

LET308 Easy Wave Yellow

Sunny golden-yellow blooms by the many dozen decorate this exciting new Easy Wave, and they are going to make your baskets and planters gleam. Yellow Easy Wave offers all the vigor and nonstop flowering of the other Waves® with the addition of a more mounding, full, better-branching habit. Welcome Yellow Easy Wave into the garden this season and begin seeing how fun it is to have a cool-toned spreading petunia among all those hot reds and pinks.
Pelleted seeds for easy germination. Fast-growing plants bloom freely all season in landscapes and containers without cutting back, and tolerate both heat and cooler conditions very well. Flower-filled plants grow a little more mounded than original Wave, with a more controlled spread.

LET322 Easy Wave Beachcomber Mix

Just when you think you've seen everything the amazing Waves can do, along comes a knockout mix like this one to give you one more beautiful option for baskets and planters this summer! Beachcomber Mix is a combination of 3 Easy Wave colors -- deep blue, rosy pink, and shell pink -- that create a brilliant Easter egg vibe you will fall in love with!
The two shades of pink perfectly punctuate the rich lavender-blue, creating a fresh springtime look that will last for months. The flowers are held on plants with a unique habit. Easy Waves can be either mounding or spreading, making them versatile enough for the annual bed as well as the container. They set new blooms from the center as well as the ends of each stem, keeping the plant looking fresh and newly-opened month after month!
Expect Beachcomber Mix to reach just 6 to 12 inches high (depending upon how you choose to grow it) but to spread up to 39 inches wide. It covers ground at the rate of several inches every single day, trailing lots of big, colorful blooms as it goes!
Pelleted seeds for easy germination.

LET116 Chiffon Morn Pink ( Pelleted )

1995 AAS Bedding Plant Winner. A new pastel pink floribunda. Proven to be weather tolerant, this petunia will reach 12 to 14 inches tall when grown in full sun.

LET356 Picobella Blue

Picobella seeds promise one of summer's most exclusive, vibrant, yet smallest petunias grown in any home or garden. Picobella petunia seeds mature to compact 8 – 10" tall dwarfed mounds boasting mini 2 - 3" blooms available in many classic and novelty colors. Picobella petunias are a floral shop favorite as tight and compact grow perfect for baskets and seasonal centerpieces. Picobella petunia seeds are an ideal grow for patios and planters, yet hardy enough garden performer to deliver season-long color up until the frost. 105 days.

LET357 Picobella Carmine

Picobella seeds promise one of summer's most exclusive, vibrant, yet smallest petunias grown in any home or garden. Picobella petunia seeds mature to compact 8 – 10" tall dwarfed mounds boasting mini 2 - 3" blooms available in many classic and novelty colors. Picobella petunias are a floral shop favorite as tight and compact grow perfect for baskets and seasonal centerpieces. Picobella petunia seeds are an ideal grow for patios and planters, yet hardy enough garden performer to deliver season-long color up until the frost. 105 days.

LET358 Picobella Salmon

Picobella seeds promise one of summer's most exclusive, vibrant, yet smallest petunias grown in any home or garden. Picobella petunia seeds mature to compact 8 – 10" tall dwarfed mounds boasting mini 2 - 3" blooms available in many classic and novelty colors. Picobella petunias are a floral shop favorite as tight and compact grow perfect for baskets and seasonal centerpieces. Picobella petunia seeds are an ideal grow for patios and planters, yet hardy enough garden performer to deliver season-long color up until the frost. 105 days.

LET359 Picobella White

Picobella seeds promise one of summer's most exclusive, vibrant, yet smallest petunias grown in any home or garden. Picobella petunia seeds mature to compact 8 – 10" tall dwarfed mounds boasting mini 2 - 3" blooms available in many classic and novelty colors. Picobella petunias are a floral shop favorite as tight and compact grow perfect for baskets and seasonal centerpieces. Picobella petunia seeds are an ideal grow for patios and planters, yet hardy enough garden performer to deliver season-long color up until the frost. 105 days.

TCB080 Picobella Mix Hybrid

Miniflora, the newest tiny flowered 1" petunias, stronger plant and more stress resistant than others, for pots, baskets, or rockery. This milliflora petunia mixture has gained market traction with its masses of petite flowers per plant, yet there is no need for PGRs or special growing regimes. Picobella Mix can be produced alongside all the rest of your upright petunia varieties. Gardeners enjoy better garden performance and improved weather tolerance.
Color: Formula mixture of blue, carmine, light lavender, red, rose, and white.

LET360 Tritunia Pink Morn

This gorgeous petunia produces a velvety green foliage and features an abundance of 3-1/2 inch pink with white/lemon centered grandiflora blooms. It's blooms are scattered among the foliage and bloom through early Spring, Summer, and Fall. The Tritunia Petunia is desired most for its huge blooms, heat tolerance, and mounding growth habit for landscape, beds, baskets and containers. Blooms from seed in about 11 weeks and grows about 8 inches tall.

LET361 Tritunia Star Mix

A wonderful mix of all the star colors in 3-1/2" blooms. It's blooms are scattered among the foliage and bloom through early Spring, Summer, and Fall. The Tritunia Petunia is desired most for its huge blooms, heat tolerance, and mounding growth habit for landscape, beds, baskets and containers. Blooms from seed in about 11 weeks and grows about 8 inches tall.

TCB074 Tidal Wave Cherry Spreading Hybrid

The tallest and most vigorous of the Wave petunia family, Tidal Wave plants super-size colour into big spaces.
Excellent landscape performer with terrific recovery from rain. The plants resist lodging, so they won't fall open and expose a bare centre like other petunias can.
Height, spread and spacing: Growth habit is based on how closely plants are placed – the closer the spacing, the taller the plants. Spaced a minimum of 12 inches apart, Tidal Wave petunias form a dense, mounded hedge, 16 to 22 inches tall. Grown in a restricted space with support, they grow an extra 2 to 3 feet upward, like a vine.
Spaced up to 24 inches apart in the garden, the plants make a floriferous groundcover, spreading up to 5 feet across per plant.

Tidal Wave Silver Spreading Petunia

TPF239 Tidal Wave Silver Spreading Hybrid

2002 AAS Flower Winner. Sporting silvery-white blooms with dark purple centers, Tidal Wave Silver is distinct. Unlike other petunias, gardeners can decide the height of the mature plant. Tidal Wave Silver can attain heights of 2 to 3 feet if spaced closely together, about 6 inches, and given support such as a trellis. If plants are spaced a foot apart, the mounded, hedge-like plants will reach 16 to 22 inches. Neither pinching nor pruning is needed for flowers all season. Exhibiting excellent botrytis resistance and rapid recovery in severe weather, Tidal Wave Silver is also adaptable to container culture.

LET306 Tidal Wave Hot Pink Spreading Hybrid

Hot tropical color all over compact, very versatile plants transforms the garden or container into a summer paradise. The blooms range from 2½ to 4 inches across, and boast some of the brightest, richest pink tones ever seen on a petunia.
Hedge, vine or impressive groundcover – Tidal Wave does it all! The tallest and most vigorous of the Wave petunia family, Tidal Wave plants super-size colour into big spaces.
Excellent landscape performer with terrific recovery from rain. The plants resist lodging, so they won't fall open and expose a bare centre like other petunias can.
Height, spread and spacing: Growth habit is based on how closely plants are placed – the closer the spacing, the taller the plants. Spaced a minimum of 12 inches apart, Tidal Wave petunias form a dense, mounded hedge, 16 to 22 inches tall. Grown in a restricted space with support, they grow an extra 2 to 3 feet upward, like a vine.
Spaced up to 24 inches apart in the garden, the plants make a floriferous groundcover, spreading up to 5 feet across per plant.

LET307 Tidal Wave Velour Red Spreading Hybrid

Attracts Bees, Heat Tolerant, Low Maintenance. Mountains of color in big gardens and containers! The biggest petunia series in the Ride The Wave family, Tidal Wave grows and grows and grows into an awesome, flower-filled hedge! These award-winning plants serve as excellent "screens" for unsightly air conditioners or to adorn wooden fences. They also work well in large planters. Space them 24 in. (60 cm) apart and watch them spread into an unbelievable groundcover!
Excellent landscape performer with terrific recovery from rain. The plants resist lodging, so they won't fall open and expose a bare centre like other petunias can.
Height, spread and spacing: Growth habit is based on how closely plants are placed – the closer the spacing, the taller the plants. Spaced a minimum of 12 inches apart, Tidal Wave petunias form a dense, mounded hedge, 16 to 22 inches tall. Grown in a restricted space with support, they grow an extra 2 to 3 feet upward, like a vine.
Spaced up to 24 inches apart in the garden, the plants make a floriferous groundcover, spreading up to 5 feet across per plant.

TCB087 Celebrity Series Burgundy Frost ( Pelleted )

Burgundy colored with white margin. Floribunda, midsize 3" flowers in abundance, superior garden performance.

LET151 Super Cascade Blue ( Pelleted )

Very large colored flowers cover bushy plants. Was bred for hanging baskets but the floriferous 15" plants work great in borders too. Deep blue. Cascading type, large 3½" flowers, excellent for baskets and beds.

TCB086 Cascade Burgundy ( Pelleted )

Burgundy color. Double Petunia. Grandiflora, largest flowers, earliest of this type.

AW79 Cascade Pink ( Pelleted )

Lovely pink color. Double Petunia. Grandiflora, largest flowers, earliest of this type.

TWT107 Aladdin Series Pink Morn ( Pelleted )

What a beautiful soft color! Pink with broad white morn throat. Grandiflora, ruffled, 3½" flowers The Petunia Aladdin Petunia is a slightly mounted plant that produces old fashioned ruffles and waves that will bloom all season long! The Aladdin Series has been an American favorite for over 30 years ago.

LET154 Aladdin Orange ( Pelleted )

The Aladdin Orange is a slightly mounding plant that produces old fashioned ruffles and waves that will bloom all season long with a delightful orange color, unique to petunias! The Aladdin variety has been an American favorite for over 30 years. Perfect for beds or baskets.

TWT096 Aladdin Series Mix ( Pelleted )

Grandiflora, ruffled, 3½" flowers in all the colors of the Aladdin Series. The Petunia Aladdin Mix is a slightly mounted plant that produces old fashioned ruffles and waves that will bloom all season long! The Aladdin Mix has been an American favorite for over 30 years ago.

TPF268 Tart Multiflora Mix ( Pelleted )

Perfect for baskets, containers and beds. Double multiflora mix of many colors. Grows about 8 inches tall and fills out very nicely, with a long blooming season.

Petunia Flower Seeds in Raw Form

Gardeners nowdays prefer the pelleted type petunia seed that we list above on this page as the seeds are easier to handle and plant, but we still offer some raw ( unpelleted ) seeds because we have so many requests for them from our older customers.

Note: These are of course very tiny seeds!

FB170 Tsunami

A spectacular show of cascading burgundy mini blooms, ideal to soften walkway edges, grows 6" tall, blooms in 11 weeks from seed.

LET321 Superbisima

Giant flowers, wide color range, pendulous habit, for baskets, grows 12" tall, blooms in 11 weeks from seed. A fantastic hybrid mix of veined and starred varieties delivering stunning displays of large 4 inch blooms in many shades and combinations on medium sized vigorous plants.

3514 Dwarf Cottage Petunia

Bring back a 1950's garden favorite with this colorful petunia. Sturdy and compact growth is perfect for mass planting or in containers. This is a wonderful mix of bright colors, and will attract hummingbirds and butterflies. This wonderful old cottage favorite will bring back memories of colorful flower beds of yesterday and is a mix of colors in a dwarf form that will normally only grow about 8-10" tall.

TWT225 Titan Series Red Petunia

Nicknamed Big Red. Titan Series feature 5" Grandiflora, the Granddaddy of Great Big Petunias on Steroids, showy in basket, pot, or garden, early, floriferous, huge flowers, grows 8" tall, blooms in 11 weeks from seed.

3433 Wild Petunia ( Petunia integrifolia var. integrifolia )

One of the original petunias, from Chile, teeming 1" purple flowers, excellent bedding plant for border edge Grows only 7-8" tall, blooms in 11 weeks from seed. This vigorous plant seems to keep growing and blooming all season long.

TWT267 Mini Max Coral Petunia ( Petunia integrifolia )

Pastel coral-salmon color. Mini Max Series feature 1½" mini blooms, vigorous, maximum blooming power and weather resistance, great for walkway edge, baskets, pots, gardens, etc. Grows only 7-8" tall, blooms in 11 weeks from seed.

TWT268 Mini Max Pink Petunia ( Petunia integrifolia )

Mid pink color. Mini Max Series feature 1½" mini blooms, vigorous, maximum blooming power and weather resistance, great for walkway edge, baskets, pots, gardens, etc. Grows only 7-8" tall, blooms in 11 weeks from seed.

TWT269 Mini Max Violet Shades Petunia ( Petunia integrifolia )

Lavender-violet shades from near white to purple, many veined. Mini Max Series feature 1½" mini blooms, vigorous, maximum blooming power and weather resistance, great for walkway edge, baskets, pots, gardens, etc. Grows only 7-8" tall, blooms in 11 weeks from seed.

TWT266 Mini Max Midnight Blue Petunia ( Petunia integrifolia )

Deep blue color. Mini Max Series feature 1½" mini blooms, vigorous, maximum blooming power and weather resistance, great for walkway edge, baskets, pots, gardens, etc. Grows only 7-8" tall, blooms in 11 weeks from seed.

Prism Sunshine Petunia

TCB088 Prism Sunshine( Pelleted )

1998 AAS Bedding Plant Winner. This single, large, grandiflora flower is creamy yellow. Combines well with other annuals, expect flower color all season. Adaptable to containers. Prism Sunshine F1 is also a recipient of the Fleuroselect Gold Medal award for performance in European trials.


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